Episode Fourteen | Just Gunshot Acoustics Research

Just Gunshot Acoustics Research In this special release episode of the 2017 NIJ R&D Symposium, Just Science interviews Dr. Rob Maher. Below is the abstract submitted where Dr. Rob Maher explains his research: Gunshot acoustics–interpretation of the characteristic sounds produced by firearms recorded at a crime scene–is a specialization within the audio forensics field. Audio […]

Episode Thirteen | Just Postmortem Interval Estimation Research

Just Postmortem Interval Estimation Research In this special release episode of the 2017 NIJ R&D Symposium, Just Science interviews Dr. Jeffrey Wells and Dr. Lynn LaMotte. This is the abstract submitted where Dr. LaMotte and Dr. Wells explain their research: To our knowledge an estimate of time since death is almost never accompanied by the […]

Episode Twelve | Just Bath Salts 

Just Bath Salts  In this special release episode of the 2017 NIJ R&D Symposium, Just Science interviews Lindsay Glicksberg, a student from Sam Houston State University. This is an excerpt from the abstract submitted by the guest, Lindsay Glicksberg explaining the research discussed in this episode: The ongoing proliferation of designer drugs present a variety of […]

Episode Eleven | Just One Pot Methamphetamine

Just One Pot Methamphetamine In this special release episode of the 2017 NIJ R&D Symposium, Just Science interviews Dr. Jarrad Wagner from Oklahoma State University. This is the abstract submitted by the guest where he explains the research him and his team are conducting: The One Pot methamphetamine production method has become the primary method […]