Episode 194 | Just a Trauma-Informed Response to At-Home Sexual Assault Kits

Original Release Date: February 25, 2022 In the final episode of our Perspectives on At-Home Sexual Assault Kits season, Just Science sat down with Natasha Alexenko, Lieutenant Jordan Satinsky, and Marya Simmons to discuss at-home sexual assault kits through a victim-centered lens. Throughout this season, Just Science has spoken with various subject matter experts to […]

Episode 193 | Just a Prosecutor’s Perspective on At-Home Kits

Original Release Date: February 18, 2022 In episode seven of our Perspectives on At-Home Sexual Assault Kits season, Just Science sat down with Patti Powers, an attorney advisor at AEquitas and a former senior deputy prosecuting attorney in Washington state, to discuss at-home sexual assault kits from a prosecutorial point of view.  For many survivors of sexual violence, engaging in prosecution can be an […]

Episode 192 | Just Analyzing At-Home Kits

Original Release Date: February 11, 2022 In episode six of our Perspectives on At-Home Sexual Assault Kits season, Just Science sat down with Jay Henry, the former Crime Laboratory Director of the Utah Department of Public Safety. Mr. Henry, an experienced forensic scientist and former crime laboratory director, understands the complexities that surround the collection and testing of […]

Episode 190 | Just Addressing Child Sexual Violence

Original Release Date: January 28, 2022 In episode four of our Perspectives on At-Home Sexual Assault Kits season, Just Science sat down with Laurieann Thorpe, the Executive Director at Prevent Child Abuse Utah, to continue our discussion on at-home sexual assault kits. Prevent Child Abuse Utah is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public […]

Episode 188 | Just the Intersection of At-Home Kits and Healing

Original Release Date: January 14, 2022 In episode two of our Perspectives on At-Home Sexual Assault Kits season, Just Science sat down with Monica Gardner, an advocate, a former rape crisis center team advocate, and a survivor of sexual abuse as a child and as an adult, to discuss at-home sexual assault kits from a survivor’s perspective. Monica Gardner knows firsthand […]