Episode 117 | Just the Impact of Lawfully-Owed DNA Collection

In the final episode of the DNA season, Just Science interviews Jayann Sepich, co-founder of the non-profit organization DNA Saves, about lawfully owed arrestee DNA.  In 2003, 22-year-old Katie Sepich was raped and murdered within five blocks of her home in New Mexico. Using skin and blood found under her fingernails, investigators were able to produce a full DNA profile […]

Episode 116 | Just USACIL and Direct-to-DNA

In episode seven of the DNA season, Just Science interviews Molly Hall, an examiner for the United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory, about their transition to a Direct-to-DNA approach to processing sexual assault kits.   The United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory acts as the true crime lab for the entire Department of Defense and serves all […]

Episode 115 | Just Improving Workflow Efficiency 

Just Improving Workflow Efficiency  In episode six of the DNA season, Just Science interviews Leslie Parke and Jamie Haas of Signature Science, a private DNA laboratory based in Austin, Texas, about increasing workflow efficiency in their lab.  From twenty cases a month to thousands of cases per year, Signature Science has shown significant growth in their […]

Episode 114 |  Just the Golden State Killer

 Just the Golden State Killer In the last episode of Just Science, Dr. Barbara Rae-Venter shared her techniques for creating family trees and discussed the resolution of her first cold case. In episode five of the DNA season, we continue that conversation.   In February 2017, Forensic Magazine published an article detailing the Bear Brook Murders, an abandoned […]

Episode 113 | Just Investigative Genetic Genealogy

Just Investigative Genetic Genealogy In episode four of the DNA season, Just Science interviews Dr. Barbara Rae-Venter, genetic genealogist and volunteer search angel with DNAadoption.org, about investigative genetic genealogy and its use in forensic science.  From computer programmer to patent attorney, Dr. Rae-Venter’s career has taken many unexpected turns. But no one would have predicted the impact […]

Episode 112 | Just Six Sigma and Your Lab

Just Six Sigma and Your Lab In episode three of the DNA season, Just Science interviews Julie Sikorsky, Forensic Biology Unit Manager at the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, about her experience introducing an efficiency program into her lab. Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office serves over 30 agencies. With such a large client base, capacity […]

Episode 111 | Just Genetic Variation

Just Genetic Variation In episode two of the DNA season, Just Science interviews Dr. Kenneth Kidd, Professor Emeritus of Genetics at Yale University, about his research in genetics. Dr. Kenneth Kidd has been working on grants from the National Institute of Justice for nearly a decade. In that time, he has made great contributions to our […]

Episode 110 | Just DNA and the Post-Conviction Dynamic

Just DNA and the Post-Conviction Dynamic In episode one of the DNA season, Just Science interviews Chris Asplen, Executive Director of National Criminal Justice Association, about the evolution of DNA evidence. Listen along as our guest discusses the value of post-conviction testing and the impact of DNA evidence on forensic investigations in this episode of […]